Top 5 React Native Libraries Every Mobile Developer Should Know

As a mobile developer for almost three years, I've come across numerous tools and libraries that have significantly streamlined my development process. React Native, with its powerful framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript and React, has been a cornerstone of my toolkit. Here are the top five React Native libraries that I believe every mobile developer should know:

1. React Navigation

Navigation is a critical aspect of mobile app development. React Navigation is a powerful and flexible library that allows you to implement smooth navigation in your React Native applications. It supports stack, tab, and drawer navigation, making it versatile for different app structures. With extensive documentation and active community support, React Navigation is a must-have for managing in-app navigation.

2. Redux

State management can be complex in mobile apps, especially as they grow in size. Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps, which helps manage the application state consistently across various components. By using actions and reducers, Redux makes state management more transparent and easier to debug, ensuring a more maintainable codebase.

3. Axios

Handling HTTP requests and APIs is a common requirement in mobile app development. Axios is a promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript that works seamlessly with React Native. It simplifies making asynchronous HTTP requests, intercepting requests and responses, and handling errors, making it an essential tool for managing API calls in your app.

4. React Native Paper

For a consistent and beautiful UI, React Native Paper provides a collection of customizable and themeable components following Material Design guidelines. It includes ready-to-use components like buttons, cards, and dialogs, which help maintain design consistency across your app. React Native Paper saves development time and ensures your app looks professional and polished.

5. Lottie for React Native

Adding animations to your app can significantly enhance the user experience. Lottie for React Native allows you to integrate Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON with Bodymovin. This library makes it easy to add high-quality animations to your app without compromising performance. It’s perfect for loading screens, buttons, and other interactive elements.


Leveraging these libraries has greatly enhanced my React Native development experience. By incorporating React Navigation, Redux, Axios, React Native Paper, and Lottie for React Native into your projects, you'll be well-equipped to build robust, user-friendly, and visually appealing mobile applications.

Happy Coding!